- $15.00 - for each signature taken (For taking an acknowledgment or proof of a deed, or other instrument; to include the seal and the writing of the certificate)
- $15.00 - for each signature (For administering an oath or affirmation)
- Fees for Loan Document Signing packages negotiated prior to execution.
- Travel/mobile fees may be negotiated prior to notarization. Minimum of $25.00 for the mobile fee plus a mileage fee of $0.50 per mile to and from destination. (Mileage fee of $0.50 per mile may be waived if area is within a 1 mile radius from 11870 Santa Monica Blvd.,90025). Unavoidable parking fees (actual cost), especially in hospitals, may also be charged.
*All negotiated fees (loan signing and travel fees)
will be appropriate and considerate.